GigHound designs staffing solutions and programs that drive your business forward, reward our people, and upgrade your experience.
We’re changing the way temporary work works.
We don’t keep “regular hours”. We’ll get the help you need any time of day.
We pride ourselves on up-to the minute communication.
Want to hire one of our workers? No problem. We don’t charge for placements.
Create an account by visiting 'Get Started' or 'Sign Up'. Once your account has been created, a sales representative in your area will reach out to complete your account creation. We can have workers to you in as little as 2 hours if needed.
GigHound's onboarding process is a combination of digital and physical. Workers sign up and setup their profile through our mobile app and a GigHound representative will call them to take care of the rest. All workers are required to have valid proof of work eligibility. Background checks can be completed to meet your business' needs.
You sure can! Our business is based on being the best, most trusted partner for your business. Our core focus it providing reliable temporary workers. You are welcome to offer any of our temporary workers a full-time position. It's our way to ensure you see us as partners helping you and your business.