We're giving you full control of your work life

See how our system puts you in the driver seat and removes all the pain of traditional temp agencies. Say goodbye to things like minimum-wage, 2 week pay periods and office visits —we've placed everything at your fingertips.
Step by Step


Sign up for access
Sign up for GigHound and we'll reach out as soon as we're live.

Get started right now!
Sign up


Explore shifts in your area
In the GigHound app, you're able to browse available shifts in your area. To ensure you are set up for success, we provide all the details: route planning, required gear, and a detailed breakdown of the shift details.


Work your shift
The main event: work!

Show up to the shift's address and report for work with all of your required gear. Once on site, the shift supervisor will run through what's required and get you started.

If at any point you need a hand, reach out to our support team – we're here to help 24/7.


Complete your shift and submit your hours
When you're finished the shift, simply clock-out and we'll take care of the rest. We will submit your hours for approval and once everything is approved we'll start processing your pay.


Get paid within 24 hours
Once your hours are approved by the business you worked with, we begin processing your pay. We like to have your money emailed to you within 24 hours – sometimes less.

The biggest cause of pay-delay is incorrect hours. Make sure you submit accurate times! 


Earn points for Trust & Rank
Trust & Rank are our way for you to measure how you're performing as well as when your next raise will be.

Learn More


Unlock raises
You earn raises at any other job, so why not temp work?

We want you to succeed with GigHound so we've setup a raise structure that works for everyone. The better you perform, the faster you earn more.

Also, you'll know exactly how far away you are for you next raised so there's no ambiguity.

Earn Trust
Trust points determine your account standing and are limited to a maximum of 100 – kinda like your health in video games. If you lose all Trust, your account will receive a temporary suspension.
Rank up
Rank points are how we determine your pay rate and raise schedule. We've set it up so you can earn your first raise in as little as 3 shifts. Say "goodbye" to minimum wage.
What you'll need to work with us

Proof of work eligibility

As an Employee of GigHound, we require proof of your work elgibility in the form of a Social Insurance Number (SIN).

Smartphone + data

The GigHound Worker app requires a cellular connection, so your device must be supported by GigHound to drive. We don’t support wifi-only devices (like wifi-only iPads).

Work gear

Different shifts require different types of gear. You’ll see what’s required on the shift details before you take a shift.

18 years old

You must be atleast 18 years of age and comply with any local requirements to work with GigHound.

Photo ID

Government issued photo ID is required for us to verify your identity before sending you to a shift.

Ready to get to work?

Unlike other platforms GigHound puts you in full control of where your account stands and how much money you can earn.
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